Digital Dockwalk 2011 editions

Essential reading for superyacht captains and superyacht crew 

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December 2011

The Chef’s Galley   Several chefs share their expertise on the essential elements to creating a dream galley.

Dangerous Dining
  Are the industry standards for food safety and hygiene acceptable on board?

Playing by the Rules
  Safety is key in the new LY3 Code, as new additions consider areas that have, until now, largely gone unaddressed.

Drilled to Perfection
  Several captains share their tips on how they revitalize safety drills on board.

The Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show & The Rybovich Captain’s Golf Invitational

PLUS: Undercurrents and more…

November 2011

The Seafarers’ Bill of Rights   The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 has a softer side — social welfare for all seafarers.

The Athlete’s World   Hit the trail and explore the globe from the Caribbean to the South Pacific.

Yoga for Yachties   Everyday tasks take on a unique challenge on board — they even perform double duty.

Risky Business   Who is responsible when a design flaw proves fatal?

Joining the Jet Set   Switching from one propulsion system to another can be complicated. Are you ready?

Happenings   The Monaco Yacht Show

October 2011

Ace Your Next Job Interview!   13 insider tips and tricks from experts in the crew placement field

Crew Agent Confidential   How secure is your personal information with your crew agent?

Red Flags   Listen to your intuition — how to tell that a boat might not be the right fit for you.

The Greatest Show on Earth   The 2011 FLIBS calendar has something for everyone — don’t miss an event.

Soot Solutions   Advances in exhaust treatment are making yachting cleaner, greener…and more cost effective.

The Big Screen   The multifunction display brings innovation and integration into the bridge. Are you on board?

September 2011

Growing Up   The 2011 Salary Survey: 1,500 captain and crew participated — how does your salary compare?

The Art of Delegation   Tips and tricks to delegate successfully

A Toast to Monaco   The Monaco show celebrates its 21st year — don’t miss the new boats, events and parties.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?   Just how open-minded is the yachting industry when it comes to sexual orientation?

The Fundamentals of Fire Safety   STCW training isn’t enough — are you as prepared as you think to handle a fire on board?

Rise of the Machines   What does today’s reliance on technology in the engine room signify for the future?

Happening   The Rendezvous in Monaco

August 2011

Mixing Business with Pleasure   Corporate vs. private charters — there’s no rule saying it has to be all work and no play for guests.

The Perfect Package
  How to make your vessel the belle of the boat show and get those charters booked.

The Fine Points of a Yard Contract   Define critical issue and terms before accepting a refit bid.

Project Paint   The science behind the paint quote

Happenings: The Loro Piana Superyacht Regatta & The PYA Golf Tournament

July 2011

Honor Thy Name   Bad news and gossip travels fast — are you doing all you can to keep your reputation pristine?

Home Sweet Hazard   Even performing common tasks could have serious health repercussions. Are you protected?

Taking Stock   Inventory management plays a crucial role in vessel operations.

Gearheads and Gadgeteers   These crew inventors devised their inventions on the job. Check out their innovations.

Happening   The 2011 MYBA Charter Show in Genoa

June 2011

Fraud, Fakes and Forgeries   Expired licenses, fudged sea time — are you guilty of licensing fraud?

The Manila Amendments   STCW 2010 is coming to a maritime school near you January 2012. Are you ready?

Dealing with Your Insecurities   Put a halt to e-snoopers: Make sure your onboard security extends right down to your Internet access.

Good Vibrations   Vibration analysis is a vital tool for predicting equipment failure and increasing vessel efficiency.

Happening   Crew live it up 70s style at the Sunrise Harbor Captain & Crew Appreciation Party

May 2011

Marinas: Best of the Best   Many marinas offer far more than a place to park the boat. Several captains share their favorites.

How to Keep Your Crew   The formula for building a strong, dynamic crew team

A Lean, Green (Cost-Saving) Machine   Three system changes using existing technology that will save the planet and the boss’s bottom line

Solar Power   TÛRANOR PlanetSolar’s solar-powered journey demonstrates the effectiveness of alternative energy sources.

  The inaugural Caribbean Superyacht Regatta & Rendezvous

April 2011

Breaking Point   Get dialed in to your crew’s mental health and learn to recognize the signs of emotional distress.

Smooth Sailing Beyond the Equator   How feasible is the South Pacific? Captains discuss the practicalities of cruising this vast region.

Is There an App for That?   How the iPad is changing the yachting industry

Keep It Simple, Stupid   12 tips to make the yacht’s audio-visual system more user-friendly for guests and crew

Risk and Peril
  How well do you know the yacht’s insurance policy? Experts share five items to check before departing from your usual itinerary.

March 2011

Navigating the Near East   From the dress code to navigational hazards, keep in mind these cultural and practical considerations when sailing in the Middle East.

Caring for Exotic Amenities   Saunas, golf greens and aquariums: Follow these tips to keep the boss's favorite amenity in pristine condition.

Plane Sailing   As more yacht-friendly models hit the market, sea planes are giving helicopters some competition as air tender of choice.

The Captain-designed Yacht   Four experienced captains weigh in with their recommendations for creating the ideal vessel.

Happening   Chefs face off at the Antigua Concours de Chef

Plus: Undercurrents and more

February 2011

The 2011 Collection   Eight uniform companies showcase new crew fashion that’s more “unique” than “uniform.”

In the Name of Beauty   Crew reveal the ups and downs of maintaining a beauty regime in the yachtie lifestyle.

Do You Have What It Takes?   Experienced project managers detail what it takes to succeed at the yard.

Building Your Team   Are you just managing your crew, or are you leading your team? Learn the difference.

Happenings   Photos and fun at the Antigua Charter Show

METS   Innovative systems and gear debut

January 2011

Temptation Island   Falling prey to St. Maarten’s temptations

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly   First time through the Suez

Keeping Fit on Board   How not to pack on the pounds

Drive it Like Ya Stole It!   On board Earthrace – a most un-yacht-like trip

Fire Conclusion   The lessons one captain learned

Galley-vanting in the Atlantic   Inspired chef creations using fresh regional ingredients

Greek Lessons   Making the most of cruising Greece