
Captain Brendan Emmons and M/Y Freedom Crew Support East Coast Charities with Food Donations

20 November 2024 By Holly Overton
Left to right: Deck/stew Emmaline, Chief Stew Julie, Deck/Stew Molly and Chef Kendra
Left to right: Deck/stew Emmaline, Chief Stew Julie, Deck/Stew Molly and Chef Kendra

Holly is the editor of Dockwalk. She grew up racing sailboats in England before switching to the world of superyachts and moving across the pond to Fort Lauderdale.

Captain Brendan Emmons and the crew of motor yacht Freedom turned their summer voyage along the US East Coast into a charitable mission, donating food to local charities, including a major contribution to Block Island Kitchen.

Captain Brendan, who initially saw a call for donations on a boating Facebook group, said, “I saw a Facebook post on the local boating Facebook group asking for any donations to go to the local Block Island library." Freedom's Chef Kendra then put together a bunch of the unused canned goods that they had on the boat. 

"We made it a crew bonding activity by taking a cab with bags of canned goods and even got to check out the library in Block Island at the same time. Everyone at the library was kind and very grateful for the donation.”

The Island Free Library on Block Island actively engages in charitable community initiatives, such as events like "Friday Food Fun with Family & Friends," where participants can make treats with all materials provided, and the "Free Fridge" program, supported by local businesses.

Following their Block Island visit, Freedom’s crew made it a priority to continue donating food as they travelled southward to Fort Lauderdale for the winter. “Deck/stew Molly would research drop-off locations at each port, and Mate Rebecca would help collect the food from the chef each time we made a donation.”

“When you stop at different ports, always be sure to check out different donation sites and help those in need whenever possible,” Captain Brendan said. “On Freedom, we donate whenever we can and try to help those in need with our extra supplies. “Every little bit helps.  We donate whenever we can and try to help those in need with our extra supplies.”

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