
YPI Crew Annual Report Shows 45 Percent Increase in Job Requests

23 February 2022 By Staff Report
Yacht crew at work on aft deck

After a turbulent year in 2020, YPI Crew, like much of the world, began to bounce back in 2021. They released their annual report on February 21, which showed a 45 percent increase in job requests from 2020 to 2021 and 13 percent from pre-pandemic 2019 to 2021.

The departments with the highest growth were chef and stew with a 57 percent increase in job orders, followed by the engineering department with a 50 percent increase. Demand for deckhands and bosuns grew by 32 percent and another three percent for senior deck officers, while captains saw a 20 percent increase, which YPI states was fueled by a vibrant brokerage market.

iStock/Paul Vinten

However, some figures shared in YPI Crew’s annual report remain consistent with the past years:

  • 61 percent of jobs were on board private yachts with 39 percent on charter
  • 94 percent were on motor yachts and six percent on sailing yachts
  • 39 percent of their jobs were on yachts 71 meters or above, and 32 percent on vessels between 51 and 70 meters

They also saw new crew registration at an all-time high with almost 8,000 new crew registering with them, a nine percent increase from 2020 that they share was already a busy year. It’s a positive note for those in the industry worried about a future crew shortage and that more people are entering and hoping to be part of yachting.

With the company celebrating 20 years in 2022, YPI Crew have already started the year off strong with an 80 percent increase in job requests in the month of January compared to January 2021.


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