
The PPE You Need on Board for the Deck Team

27 March 2025 By Patrick Levitzke
yacht deck

Patrick Levitzke is from Port Macquarie, Australia. He left in 2019 to begin yachting, and found his first job on a private 82-foot Horizon, cruising the U.S. East Coast, with just the captain. Currently, he’s a second officer on a 60-meter expedition/science research yacht, operating out of Australia.

We all know PPE is important, but what kind do you need on board?

There can often be a pervasive attitude towards personal protective equipment. It’s “tough” if you’re out standing in the hot sun without a hat and sunscreen. It’s “inconvenient” to go and grab some ear defenders and a particle mask while you’re grinding out some rust in a bilge. It’s better to just “get it done.”

If you don’t protect yourself from paint fumes, airborne particles, chemical exposure or any other of the many hazards on board, you might not notice much immediately. But accumulate that exposure over months and years, and you risk suffering severe health consequences. Officers and HODs must get this message across to junior crew. But it’s not enough to know that PPE is important; we also need to know what kind we need.

Post-Covid-19, most of us know the term “N95.” The “95” means it filters 95 percent of airborne particles, with no protection against oil-based airborne particles. The “N” means particle-only filtration. They are the best quick-and-easy elastic face masks. An N100 filters out 99.97 percent of particles (slightly misleading title, I know). They are usually full- or half-face masks that seal to the face.

iStock/JJ Gouin

A P-rated (P95 or P100) will filter out the same amount in addition to airborne oil-based particles. This is especially important when you’re dealing with paint, varnish and engine work. It’s most suitable for the type of work we do on board.

There are more extensive forms of protection used for more specialized jobs. For example, when applying or removing antifoul, you’ll need organic vapor filters and potentially a closed system, i.e. one that does not pull in external air. But this is likely beyond the scope of our work as deck crew, and it’s best to contact the shipyard or contractors.

There are generally three types of face masks used on board:
• A disposable/elastic face mask
• A half-face mask, usually with two filters on each side
• A full-face mask, which covers the eyes as well and can therefore take the place of eye protection

While some masks may be more than you need, others won’t be good enough. An N95 disposable face mask is generally good only for some minor sanding jobs that don’t involve removing any varnish, oil, paint or any kind of coating. Most jobs will require at least a half-face mask, if you want adequate protection.

You must also inspect your face masks before each job. Check each individual filter, usually just by popping out the plastic housing; it may be a twist-off for the circular filters. Most need to be replaced between each significant job, but it’s best to check manufacturer guidelines. Some can be washed and cleaned.

Also check each filter is fitted and sealed correctly, and there are no gaps where air can bypass the filter. Check the one-way exhalation valves to make sure they are functioning only as a one-way. You’ll find the same valves on your SCBA kit face mask — a good idea to inspect them as well.

Finally, make sure the seal is adequate and completely covers your mouth and nose. And with that, put some tunes on and enjoy the dirty work!

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