Crew Advice

5 Superyacht Food Trends on Board

31 July 2023 By Chef Clancy Atkinson
A yacht galley counter showing piles of fruits and vegetables.
Bugsy Gedlek

Superyacht cuisine is often associated with Champagne, caviar, and the most hedonistic ingredients. However, Covid caused undeniable changes to the way charter guests eat and think about food. Post-pandemic guests are becoming more food aware and superyacht chefs are embracing the changes. Here are the latest charter food trends.  

Plant-Based Options
As people choose to consume less meat, the interest in healthy, plant-based alternatives is high. Guests are realizing that they can welcome more plants to their diets without becoming vegetarian and chefs are inspired to find new ways to feature vegetables and fruits. The traditional method of constructing a dish around the protein is becoming redundant as chefs are now making in-season vegetables the star, using different textures and techniques to enhance flavor.


Climatarian Diets  
Guests are not only eating with their own well-being in mind, but also the planet’s health, adopting a more sustainable approach. Climatarians are highly aware of how foods are produced, processed, and transported to reduce carbon emissions. Chefs are embracing this, sourcing and incorporating foods that have the least environmental impact. Preference sheets are requesting menus that are mostly plant based, minimally processed, and contain moderate amounts of meat, dairy, and eggs with a low-carbon footprint.

As clients are looking for ways to celebrate and have fun without drinking as much alcohol, they’re increasingly requesting innovative, tasty mocktails. Chefs are making house-made syrups from cane sugar and infusing it with flavors like rose, turmeric, tarragon, and celery root. Smoke is also a popular flavor — think Virgin Piña Colada made with smoked, grilled pineapple and a garnish of freeze-dried raspberry powder.

Natural Sweeteners  
Guests are waging war on sugar and now with more awareness that artificial sweeteners are not without risks, they are requesting natural sweetening ingredients. Popular natural sweeteners are maple syrup, coconut sugar, fresh-pressed fruit and vegetable juices, honey, and monk fruit. One of the most popular that chefs are using with great success is puréed fresh dates for sweet and savory dishes.

Immunity-Boosting Foods  
Post-pandemic, the interest in functional, immune-boosting foods is very popular and while the emphasis has been on immunity, now gut health foods has become increasingly relevant. Chefs are now fermenting vegetables to make kimchi or sauerkraut and making yogurt. Frequently requested ingredients to support the immune system and microbiome are ginger, avocado, pears, fresh berries, and leafy green vegetables.

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