Crew Advice

How to Ask for a Pay Raise

30 January 2025 By Erica Lay

Owner of international crew agency EL CREW CO in Mallorca, Spain, Erica has been a freelance writer since 2008. She loves engaging with the projects she works on, diving headfirst into the research, investigation, and production of the stories she feels are newsworthy. A curious and proactive journalist, she draws on her own life experiences, her studies, and her work with crew all over the globe.

Master the art of salary negotiations and know your worth

Discussing salary is a touchy subject, especially when you’re working, eating, sleeping and living with your colleagues. After all, nobody wants to discover that their bunk mate is earning far less than them — or worse, far more. However, recognizing your worth and negotiating fair compensation is essential for professional growth. When asking for a raise, consider these strategies to navigate the conversation with confidence and professionalism. 

Firstly, timing is everything. Choose the right moment to discuss your salary, preferably after the successful completion of a season or during a performance review. If your yacht doesn’t do reviews, maybe you should ask for one. Ask your HOD or captain to set aside some time for a chat about your performance over the past season or year and ask for honest and frank feedback. Avoid times of high stress or when the yacht is preparing for an important event like a yacht show, charter or boss trip, as the focus will likely be on immediate priorities.  

Before initiating the conversation, research current industry standards for salaries in your role and with your level of experience. You can look up salaries online, including consulting our Salary Survey. Additionally, ask crew agents you have a good relationship with for their thoughts, and if you have a mentor like a previous HOD or captain, their insights can be invaluable. 

This is your opportunity to showcase your contributions and achievements. Whether you’ve taken on additional responsibilities, implemented cost-saving measures, streamlined operations, improved team morale or received positive feedback from guests or crew members, presenting tangible examples of your value strengthens your case. 


Create a well-organized proposal that includes your research on industry standards, a summary of your achievements and a clear statement of your desired salary. A structured proposal shows professionalism and commitment.

It’s also worth rehearsing your pitch to build confidence and ensure clarity during the conversation. Anticipate potential questions or objections and be prepared to address them with poise. Practice with a trusted colleague or mentor.

Frame your request within the context of your professional growth and development. Highlight any additional certifications, courses or skills you’ve acquired since your last salary negotiation and show how they benefit the entire crew.

Illustrate how your skills and experience contribute to the yacht’s success and distinguish you in the market. Emphasize the unique qualities you bring to the team and how investing in your professional growth aligns with the yacht’s long-term goals. Demonstrating that you’re tough to replace and worth the pay raise can make a compelling case.

Approach the conversation with an open mind and be willing to negotiate. Your employer may have budget constraints, but demonstrating flexibility and a willingness to find a mutually beneficial solution can enhance the negotiation process. If they can’t commit to a raise right now, perhaps they could offer more time off or pay for a course that benefits your professional development that also adds value to the yacht.

Maintain a professional demeanor throughout the conversation. Stay calm, composed and focused on the facts. Avoid emotional appeals and instead rely on your achievements and cold, hard facts.

Regardless of the outcome, seek constructive feedback on areas where you can improve or demonstrate additional value. This not only shows your commitment to growth but also lays the groundwork for future discussions.

By timing your request thoughtfully, presenting a well-researched proposal and emphasizing your achievements, you can navigate the negotiation process with confidence. Remember that a fair compensation not only recognizes your value but also contributes to a motivated and satisfied crew, ultimately enhancing the yacht’s overall success. And if you feel your value is not being recognized, then maybe it’s time to give me a shout and find a new position... just saying!

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