Crew Advice

Ask Captain Kelly: Is it really like Below Deck?

16 January 2025 By Captain Kelly Gordon

“Is it really like Below Deck?” 

Well, sometimes! Some days I walk away asking myself if we just filmed our own episode on board. Kidding not kidding! I run a tight ship and don’t tolerate the nonsense, and this is likely largely in part because I run a dry boat — my crew seldom drink alcohol. And there are numerous other captains who run great programs too. I think you’ll find that the party and drama boats — and they are out there — will be the ones that seem most like Below Deck. But think about it: we are together all the time in a small space with different personalities, ethnicities, up-bringing, etc., and that makes it eventful in itself. 

Sometimes things can get a bit sideways when stress is high. Now, Below Deck is a TV show, so you must know that they are going to dramatize it a bit for the viewership and ratings. Some aspects of the show are exaggerated or scripted for entertainment purposes. However, the show does provide viewers with a glimpse into the yachting industry and can give some insight into the challenges and dynamics of working on a yacht as it highlights the demanding nature of the job, high expectations of charter guests and the interpersonal dynamics that exist within a crew. So, I’d say sometimes yes — but most times, no.  

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