
What to Expect at the 2023 Newport Charter Show

26 April 2023 By Staff Report
Aerial of Newport Charter Show
Credit: Billy Black

If you’re ready to combine pleasure and work at a boat show that showcases crew talent, the Newport Charter Yacht Show is the one for you. There will be plenty of crew events and competitions to keep you busy at the show, which takes place over four days from June 19­–22, 2023. Dockwalk will be in attendance as one of the show’s media partners this year, so look for us on the docks.

Monday, June 19, 2023

After a full day working the show on Monday, be sure to make your way to the Captains & Crew Happy Hour and Show Briefing at 5:00 p.m. Alexseal Yacht Coatings and KVH Industries will be sponsoring it, with Bridge Liquors sponsoring the bar. Enjoy beer, wine, and apps until it ends at 7:30 p.m.

Chef Competition at 2022 Newport Charter Show
Credit: Laura Shaughnessy

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Dockwalk is proudly sponsoring several captain and crew events throughout the show, beginning on Tuesday.

Judging for the Best Charter Yacht Chef begins at 1 p.m. on Tuesday at the main tent. Sponsored by Shoreside Support, it will be open for all show attendees to watch. It’s open to all registered yachts at the Newport Charter Yacht Show, with the theme to be chosen by show organizers in early June. Participating chefs will have the challenge of meeting the expectations of guests incorporating ingredients supplied and present their entry. There will be a three-person judging panel for the eight available spots.

There will be three challenges making up the Captain & Deck Challenge during the USSA Crew Night, which is scheduled to take place at 5:30 p.m. It is in the main show tent, where beer, wine, and food will be served during the competition. Be sure to invite your fellow crew (and other show participants) to cheer you on! There will be prizes for the first, second, and third place winners of the three challenges combined.

Fender Inflation Competition at 2022 Newport Charter Show
Credit: Laura Shaughnessy

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Who says the morning is too early to drink? It’s always 5 o’clock somewhere. The Signature Cocktail Competition On Board Yachts will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with Grey Goose Vodka. As part of the daylong event, crew will be showing off their drink-making skills using mixers or secret ingredients from their bar stock. Show attendees will actually be the ones judging the entries on board after evaluating each signature cocktail for taste and presentation.

All interior yacht crew should sign up to participate in the Tablescaping Competition, whether competing solo or as a team. You’ll be required to decorate a dining table using your yacht’s own linen, China, tableware, and decorative items (including flowers and candles). Best yet, the yacht is free to choose any theme and setup, whether it’s for an interior or exterior table. Judges will focus on what’s displayed on top of the table, with a panel of design professionals from Newport Yacht Interiors picking one winner. Plus, show attendees can pick a fan favorite. Be sure to pay attention to the criteria used in judging, which includes theme originality, composition, use of materials, and how well the tablescape fits with the yacht.

After all that work, be sure to attend the Yacht Hop, with the time TBD. It’s open to all charter show registered attendees and sponsors.

Awards Ceremony at 2022 Newport Charter Show
Credit: Billy Black

Thursday, June 22, 2022

What worthwhile show would be complete without a party or award ceremony? The Crew Party & Crew Competition Awards closes out the show from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. See you there!

For more information on the crew competitions, visit Newport Charter Show’s website here, and for more information on the schedule itself, visit here.

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