Warning for those cruising between Grenada and Trinidad —two yachts in the area were robbed and boarded within seven days, according toa piracy report from the Caribbean Safety & Security Net (CSSN).
On December 20, a 24-meter sailing yacht was boarded byarmed Spanish-speaking men in an 18-foot fishing boat while the vessel wastraveling north between Chaguaramas, Trinidad, to Port Louis, Grenada, in thevicinity of the Hibiscus Gas Platform. The captain and two crewmembers wereheld at gunpoint while the pirates proceeded to take valuables, includingmoney, luggage, passports, cell phones, computers, wallets and watches. Thepirates were on board for around 15 minutes. None of the crew were harmed and theyreported the incident to the U.S. Coast Guard in Grenada.
Seven days later, on December 27 around 10 a.m., a 32-footsailing sloop was boarded about 30 nautical miles from Trinidad and a little tothe west of the Hibiscus Gas Platform by six men in a pirogue, reports CSSN viasecond-hand information. The passengers were also held at gunpoint, and thecaptain was threatened with murder if he called for help. The pirates were onboard for roughly 20 minutes and took an estimated $4,000 worth of goods. Theythen headed off to the southwest towards Venezuela. All passengers remainedunharmed.
To read the full piracy report, visit: http://www.noonsite.com/Countries/TrinidadTobago/caribbean-yacht-security-yacht-boarded-and-robbed-on-passage-from-grenada-to-trinidad
Get more info at: http://www.trinidadexpress.com/20151229/news/pirates-grab-equipment-from-yacht-leaving-trinidad